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Reignscare Ltd Carbon Reduction Plan

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Supplier Name: Reignscare Ltd

Publication Date: 14/12/2023

Commitment to Achieving Net Zero

Reigncare Ltd is resolutely committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2030. This determined goal underscores our dedication to environmental stewardship and sustainable business practices.

Baseline Emissions Footprint

In the past year, Reigncare Ltd has accurately recorded its greenhouse gas emissions, creating a baseline to measure future reductions and to shape our strategies for diminishing emissions.

Baseline Year: 2022/23 (01/05/2022 to 30/04/2023)

Additional Details Relating to the Baseline Emissions Calculations

For Reigncare Ltd, our baseline emissions calculations are underpinned by comprehensive energy usage data, waste management records, and business travel logs from the baseline year of 2022. We employed the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard to ensure consistent and accurate accounting of our emissions.

During the baseline year, Reigncare Ltd:

  • Operated from one primary facility, accounting for the majority of Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions.
  • Employed an average of [20] staff members, whose commuting and business travel constituted our Scope 3 emissions.
  • Engaged with [5] suppliers, factored into Scope 3 emissions through a spend-based approach, using economic data to estimate emissions indirectly associated with our operations.

Adjustments for Anomalies:

  • Adjusted for an unusually cold winter resulting in higher-than-average energy consumption for heating. We used degree day correction to reflect typical weather conditions.
  • Considered the impact of a significant portion of our fleet being upgraded to more fuel-efficient models in the latter half of the baseline year, which is expected to yield lower Scope 1 emissions in subsequent years.
  • Excluded one-off business events that are not expected to occur annually to normalise the data.

These details ensure that our baseline is reflective of our operational realities and provides a solid foundation for measuring our progress towards carbon neutrality.

Baseline Year Emissions:

Scope 1 40.67
Scope 2 73.00
Scope 3 668.59
– Waste 0.10
– Business Travel 277.67
– Employee Commuting 390.92

Note: Upstream and Downstream Transportation and distribution are not relevant to Reigncare Ltd as a healthcare organisation.

Total Emissions: 782.26.26 tCO2e

Current Emissions Reporting

Reporting Year: 2023/24 (01/11/2023 to 30/10/2024)

Scope 1 10.09
Scope 2 39.26
Scope 3 225.90
– Waste 0.04
– Business Travel 154.07
– Employee Commuting 71.79

Note: Upstream and Downstream Transportation & Distribution remain not relevant.

Total Emissions: 275.25 tCO2e

Emissions Reduction Targets

Reigncare Ltd has established the following emissions reduction targets to guide our journey to Net Zero:

Reduce Scope 1 emissions by 75.2% by 2030.

Reduce Scope 2 emissions by 46.2% by 2030.

Engage with suppliers to reduce Scope 3 emissions by 66.2% by 2030.

These targets align with our commitment to sustainability and our goal of significantly reducing our carbon footprint by 2030.

Progress against these targets can be visualised in the accompanying graph, which compares projected reductions against actual year-on-year emissions

Reignscare Ltd has actively pursued various initiatives in line with our commitment to achieving Net Zero emissions:

Completed Carbon Reduction Initiatives:

  • In 2022, we installed solar panels across all main facilities, now generating about 30% of our energy needs.
  • Secured 100% of our electricity from renewable sources through a green energy contract.
  • Transitioned 50% of our vehicle fleet to electric vehicles, coupled with installing charging stations at our premises.
  • Upgraded to energy-efficient LED lighting, resulting in a 20% reduction in energy usage for lighting.
  • Implemented an adaptive smart HVAC system, achieving a 15% reduction in heating and cooling energy.
  • Instituted comprehensive recycling schemes, cutting landfill waste by 40%, and initiated a zero-waste program, significantly reducing single-use plastics.
  • Launched an employee sustainability awareness initiative, promoting energy conservation and sustainable commuting, including a ‘cycle to work’ scheme.
  • Revised our procurement policies to favour environmentally responsible suppliers, focusing on products with lower carbon footprints and sustainable sourcing.

Ongoing and Planned Carbon Reduction Projects

Reignscare Ltd is dedicatedly advancing towards its Net Zero emissions goal with several ongoing and planned projects:

  • Implementing an advanced energy management system for real-time energy use optimization across all facilities.
  • Retrofitting older buildings with enhanced insulation, energy-efficient windows, and green roofing to lower energy consumption.
  • Developing a supplier engagement program focused on reducing Scope 3 emissions through sustainable practices.
  • Investigating on-site wind energy solutions and off-site renewable energy investments to fully transition to renewable energy sources.
  • Formulating a carbon offset strategy with investments in forestry, renewable energy, and community emission reduction projects.
  • Promoting telecommuting and flexible work schedules, aiming to cut commuting-related emissions by 20%.
  • Implementing green IT initiatives, including server virtualisation and responsible electronic waste disposal.
  • Investing in R&D for products and services to lower carbon footprints, both internally and for clients.
  • Initiating water conservation measures to indirectly reduce carbon emissions.
  • Planning to launch a ‘green champions’ program, empowering employees in carbon reduction efforts.
  • Through these initiatives, Reignscare Ltd is not just reducing environmental impact but also fostering sustainable growth and innovation in the healthcare sector.

Care Max Support Services aims not just to reduce its environmental impact, but also to create long-term growth and innovation in our sector through these activities. We realise that our journey to Net Zero is ongoing, and we are committed to continued growth and the implementation of best environmental stewardship practices.

Declaration and Sign-off

This Carbon Reduction Plan has been compiled in accordance with PN 0621 and associated guidance, reflecting Reigncare Ltd.’s commitment to reducing its carbon footprint and contributing to global sustainability goals.

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